Thursday, April 10, 2014

Break- up is not an option

The change in times is leading towards diversity. Diversity comes with a its own package of virtues and vices. Playing the devils advocate here, lets look at some of the issues with diversity in relationships.

Love is the amazing bond to share with the special someone. It makes you feel wonderful and ‘makes the world around you marvelous’. In my opinion, love is worth the experience and it’s a bliss when it transforms to a stronger relationship, also known as marriage.

This is all the nice side of falling in love. What happens when things turn a little rough between the couple? Most of the couples call it quits without even trying to sort our things. If anything in this case, today’s digital world of communication makes it worse. Texting or leaving voice messages has become the trend to communicate (rudely) during hard times.

Once this stage is passed, people make the worst mistake by calling it quits. ‘Break-up’ seems to be the best solution for everyone in trouble? I fail to understand this concept. Wouldn’t it be easier to sit and talk through the issue instead of being a stupid?  My personal opinion is to take help, may be from a trust worthy friend or professional help!!

While many may question: why should we try to compromise, sit and talk, have patience and try to resolve? When things are not working out isn’t it a peaceful solution to part and stay apart? As the saying believed by many goes, a thread once broken has to be tied with joints and things will never be the same. After the initial phase of joy and wonder, one realizes it being an infatuation and not love: It being a blunder. Lets imagine for the imagination sake: How strong would the relation get if it is talked through? The situation might give a different perspective as we are in a more ‘saner’ mode.  Things will seem practical. We will better appreciate the person sitting across from us, and it then becomes a two way street for respect and love. So what is the glitch is not talking through?

If you don’t try to make it work with the person you so call ‘love’ at the given point in time, there is no guarantee that you will ever find a partner for a life.  Unfortunately, with all the love dramas we witness around us, it is not very rare to see individuals walking around with a trail of broken hearts and souls behind them.

Break-up is NOT the solution peeps! COMMUNICATION will definitely resolve the issues, of any kind.

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